понедельник, 09 января 2012
Оно работает!

Первая проба - вот что получается:
Домик в Вайтране

команды и прочее
еще одна стянутая страничка
Основные команды:
MarkForDelete = Delete Object (Open Console, while in console use mouse to click the item you want to delete, leave and return to area or Quicksave/load for the item to actually go away.)
Help X 0 = Replace X with query (ex. Help Bed 0.) to find everything named bed and get the objects ID.
Placeatme X = Replace X with Object ID (ex. Placeatme AF6AE.) Click a position while in console, will place the object there. (rarely works)
Player.placeatme X = Same as above except places object directly below you. Look straight ahead for object to spawn straight.
TWF = Wire frame to check clipping of objects.
TCL = Fly to allow you to place objects in air or on wall.
Getpos x,y,z = Gets the position of an object (ex. getpos z)
Setpos x,y,z # = Sets the position of an object. (ex. setpos z 250 ) good used with getpos to take floors z axis, then set your objects z axis to be the same.
Getangle x,y,z = Gets the angle of an object (ex. getangle z)
Setangle x,y,z # = Sets the angle of an object. (ex. setangle z 245 )
Rotate x,y,z # = Rotates the object manually. (ex. rotate z 245)
Setscale # = Sets size of object.
Object ID:
D54FF (alchemy table)
D5501 (enchanting table no legs)
727A1 (tanning rack)
D932F (workbench)
1A2AD (anvil)
6E9C2 (grindstone)
9C6CE (smelting oven)
10FDE6 (chest)
10E884 (barrel)
10ACB6 (safe)
C5893 (display case) C5894 (little larger) C5892 (larger) C5891 (largest)
AF6AE (apothecary's Satchet)
Noble Set pieces: "pretty" dark wood furniture that you see in noble houses.
109D86 Bookcase (Note this is not a bookshelf, but can hold unlimited number of books)
C2A04 (Small Wardrobe)
C2A05 (Medium Wardrobe)
6B303 (Large Wardrobe)
6B36B (Single Bed)
6B3D3 (Double Bed)
C2A06 (End Table)
800E0 (Safe)
F5B98 (Marble Table 1)
F5B9C (Marble Table 2)
C2A00 (Noble Bench Large)
C2A03 (Noble Bench Small)
06B30E (noble chest the long narrow one)
Mounted Head IDs:
B2456 (Dragon Head)
DD9E0 (Elk Male)
CF264 (Snowy Elk)
3fA65 (Elk Antlers)
DD9E1 (Elk Female)
D928F, d928d (Sabre Cat)
D9289, d9288 (Wolf)
D9287 (Skeever)
D9285 (Mudcrab)
D8282, d9281, d927f (Bear)
D927D (Horker)
D9276 (Goat)
3858F (Slaughter Fish) Подробно процесс пока расписывать не буду. Если кому понадобится, пишите.